viernes, 25 de julio de 2014

The Fault In Our Stars

“ The fault in our stars takes a spin on universal themes __ will i be loved? will i be remembered? will i leave a mark on this world?__ by dramatically raising the stakes for the charters who are asking” Jodi Picoult; best selling author from my sisters keeper.

This book has reached my top 10 favourites! because this book talks about love in a very different way.

“i fell in love the way you fall asleep…slowly, and then all at once"

ts a book full of emotion and passion, i fell in love with every single word, every character, every scenario. It made wonder, dream and desire a love so strong and pure.

“it would be a privilege to have my heart broken by you” 

i felt extremely related with hazel in the way she puts a huge wall in front of her,and lets no one in… she is just too afraid to love someone, and the way she passionately love the people that surround her.

“you don’t get to choose if you get hurt in this world… but you do have a say in who hurts you”

 It also made me see that no matter how bad things are you should always see the bright side. life id beautiful and it keeps giving you reasons to smile and be happy!.

“i’m a roller coaster that only goes up my friend”

by reading it i’ve learned that true love may exist you just have to wait for it, and when it comes just breathe in and embrace it with passion and dedication.

“i cannot tell you how grateful for our little gave me a forever within the numbered days, and i’m grateful.”

THANK YOU JOHN GREEN, for making me read about unconditionally love and for making me find many things i had forgotten.

“its a good life, hazel grace"

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